At 45, for me it?s not about a midlife crisis, it?s about finally being able to afford the car I want to drive.
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Yah, what I said - mid-life crisis!
![Hi Hi [hihi] [hihi]](/images/smilies/icon_smile_hihi.gif)
I'm in the same boat for the most part. I always wanted a performance vehicle of some sort, but too young, too broke, or both! Ford Probe, then Nissan Maxima, now Mazda6, but nothing that was truly a BMW M-series "type" of vehicle. Besides:
A. BMW = Massively expensive and a maintenance machine/headache costing an arm and a leg after warranty (all German performance vehicles)...
B. BMW IMHO has become quite stale. They are turning into VW with every vehicle looking identical from 2010, 2015, 2020, while doubling down on numb, boring handling characteristics with pony engines (to increase volume into mainstream markets - the non-M 3-series vehicles I'm specifically thinking of).
Overall, I've had to "settle" if you will. 3 kids and a wife, still need practicality, but have always like sedans. But the sedans, like "smart" phones before iPhone, were all incrementally becoming smarter. We have a new keyboard. We have a flip out keyboard, our keyboard is smaller, our is bigger. Then iPhone says no. No keyboard, all glass, all display. It was a leapfrog moment. Sure, the iPhone is more, but you'll find huge value in it and find a way to afford it.
I look at Stinger and say it's very similar. The mainstream sedan market is just incrementally moving more sporty. The Camry, still a Camry with more sport plastics on the nose than ever before. The Accord. Nice. 250-ish HP vehicles that are more sporty if not awkard looking due to trying to "look" sporty in the same old chassis configuration as previous generation family sedans. Mazda6, Kia Optima, all getting sportier, incrementally so. Even the new Buick Regal Sportback... The Malibu re-skinned, and the GS gets sport seats, but it's a soft pedestrian ride, without the power or performance of... The Stinger!
Boom! The Stinger falls in out of the sky and like that original iPhone, it's a game changer. It's leapfrog product. Even the base model w/Premium package is a car that could be had in the $34k - $36k range. Like the iPhone, it's amazingly functional (hatch with loads of room) and leapfrogs in design, quality interior, and performance handing and a peppy engine. Many will find a few more thousand to make it work.
Then there is the GT variants. If finds the soft underbelly of the 320/330 BMW series that lacks in performance characteristics all over the place, but costs the same, if not less depending (with REAL leather mind you). Now it's hitting people spending more looking at spending less - and getting more in a Stinger! Wow.
And then these are those that say for a bit more I can get an iPhone 8 Plus (AKA Stinger GT over Stinger Base). That's my position. Saving more, waiting a bit longer in order to do so, and waiting for 2019's as Kia has decided to ship the GT AWD w/Drive Wise ONLY with 18-inch rims and All Seaons for 2018 model year. I'm hoping for more flexibility for the 2019 models to get 19's and Summer Michelin Sports on this sports machine!... But I digress...
Bottom Line: Is it a mid-life crisis? I dunno. Maybe? Maybe not? But if having just enough to afford at GT, along with feeling as if it's my "last shot" to own a performance car I can handle as a performance car at age 47?... Yah, maybe a modern-day mid-life crisis it is. I can live with that! ; )