Do you guys know if the 2.0 mpg is better enough to avoid the GT engine? I drive a lot to work worried gas pricing as well...
Intersting question Genesis, as you seem to be weighing a few diverse areas with the Stinger. I would suggest looking at this one of two ways:
A. Mathematically:
2.0L Stinger: 25mpg average
3.3L GT STinger: 21mpg average
NOTE: RWD but AWD, it's almost a wash, so let's just run with this little exercise here.
Annual Milage Assumption: 15,000 miles-per-year
Average Assumed Cost Per Gallon of Gas: $3.00
2.0L Stinger: $150 for gas per month
3.3L GT Stinger: $179 for gas per month
Annual Gas Savings w/2.0L Stinger: $348
So with the math solution, if you want to save $348 a year (or $29 a month) go with the 2.0L Stinger. If you find that financial figure to be no strain on your budget, lock and load with a 3.3L GT Stinger.
If you are working on punching penny's due to your budget, I completely understand that. And thus, I would suggest you call your insurance agency and see if their is a bigger insurance rate on the GT vs the Base 2.0L Stinger. I am guessing it's probably another $20 a month for the GT or so? Just a guess, but that also adds to the cost of gas, yes?...
NOTE: I didn't even differentiate between regular and higher octane fuels for the GT (which is recommended for better HP, etc...).
All in all, with straight math, the GT "could" run you another $75 a month, just running costs alone (gas+insurance)?...
B. Vehicle Experience:
I've driven both the 2.0L and 3.3L GT Stingers. I was pretty happy with the 2.0L Stinger vs my 183hp Mazda6. It wasn't a dramatic leap but it was pretty fun. But then I went and drove a 3.3L GT Stinger. Wow. It didn't feel heavy or cumbersome like my 2006 Maxima did at all. Rather, it was nimble, powerful, yet solidly planted. I loved it. Perfect for my business road trips (I drive about 25k miles a year).
Will I take a hit with gas prices and insurance vs my current 26/28mph Mazda6 if I go either direction, especially with a GT? Yah, I will. But I can also afford the extra monthly running cost. Just saving to buy the car right now.
I figured, this is the one time I'll get a quasi-performance car, without paying the BMW or Audi sticker prices (which I cannot afford BTW), and avoid all their maintenance costs past warranty (again making those vehicle unaffordable for me), and give the GT a go.
Now, to be transparent, I could back out and revert back to the pretty much all-new Mazda6 Signature series. 250hp, decked to the nines on the interior, amazingly quiet and my current Mazda6 with 105k miles on it is rock solid. ZERO rattles (first car to never have rattles of some sort after 5 years or 100k miles), just an amazing rig that's fun to drive also... Hmmm... Save me about $5k also over a GT w/Drive Wise, and deliver a LOT more features (HUD) heated and cooled, etc...
Still, I'm focusing on the GT w/Drivewise for a major change up, and see how it goes.
IMO - Kia designed the looks of this car, inside and out, amazingly well. And they designed the ride, so folks in Accords, Camry's, Mazda's, etc... could get in and "just drive it" and it would feel sporty and native instantly. No, it's no M-series BMW drive, but 90% of those coming from a mainstream Fusion vehicle would find that ride amazingly stiff and jarring. Not a good long distance or even daily for a lot of would-be buyers. They nailed this car.
Hope that helps! Might have helped me actually!