I took my Stinger in for the 3rd time today trying to figure out why the fuel sensors are not working. The fuel gauge never goes much past 1/2 tank and the fuel range jumps around when started (finally caught that on video). The 2nd time I had it in (this is after I ran her dry!!), they said it had too much fuel in the tank for them to check the sensors (this was after they kept her overnight to order in the special fuel tank sensor too!). I took her in this morning, I figured she had about a quarter tank (I have to keep track of the miles driven so I don't run out again). They called me a few hours later saying I only had an eight of a tank and needed me to authorize them to put gas in. Low and behold, they filled it up and now they think the gauges and sensors are working great. I was told to bring it back if I think the gauges aren't working again! I paid $50 for about $35 worth of gas (yes, they even charged me tax on the gas!)