I twisted nothing! The only thing twisted is what you just wrote. I was cordial in all my email correspondence and would welcome sending the thread to anyone interested in seeing it. That said, I did call the product a ?piece of shit? when it literally fell apart on a warm day. Yes, it is just a $15 sticker and I could care less about the money, BUT I DONT LIKE BEING TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF. I?ll say it again and it?s this simple...the product didn?t work and it wasn?t user error. It literally fell apart on a warm day. I don?t mean it peeled off because it wasn?t adhering to the badge underneath, THE VINYL LITERALLY TORE AWAY FROM ITS OWN BACKING AND THAT IS AN INFERIOR PRODUCT. Like I said, maybe I got one from a bad batch, but AT NO TIME, EVEN UP TO THIS VERY MOMENT, HAVE I BEEN OFFERED A REPLACEMENT OR A REFUND. So I simply went back to where I bought it online to warn others that they too could waste their $15. If that makes me a bad guy spewing ?fire and brimstone?, so be it.