Ok sound update, wanted to wait until I ran the same test today on the exact same stretch of road. Only wish I had done it when completely stock also
I ran 4 miles at in all three with sound meter, three passes before I added the resonators to my ark mid pipes and three after.
Custom(enhanced sound set to minimum, rest exact as sport mode)
Runs with new resonators
Between comfort, sport, custom was only a 1db(every once in while 2db) difference between comfort and the other two.
Comfort 81-83db cursing keeping rpm in 2-2400 range(sweet spot for drone)
Sport and custom no statistical difference both were 82-84, hit 85db a couple of times.
Ark without resonators
A very nice difference noticed after adding them yesterday
The numbers averaged 87-90 hit 91db once, in comfort it did drop to 85 couple of times but for most part stayed 87 or higher
Most importantly the resonators really killed off the drone that came with removing the cats!
3-5db may not sound like much but from a drone perspective it is. Even if you have upgraded you cat backs and they are too loud adding another set of resonators might be a good option for you also.
Interesting note: I’ve always herd that a lot of noise comes from the tires/road itself but through this test I really confirmed it. I was on mostly a newly paved stretch(within last week in fact) as soon as I hit the concrete section and moved off the asphalt the noise jumped by 3+dB, same on rougher sections of asphalt!
I realized my ears are more tuned to the engine/exhaust noise than tire/road noise
My next effort is going to be sound dampen the wheel wells and run the same stretch.
May not matter to some but I’m a bit of a geek and this kind of stuff interests me

I will update in a few weeks when I get to the next step of my super unimportant sound project lol
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