Are these too cheap looking?
These are cheap looking, as they are Chinese replicas of the authentic S. Korean 3.0 K Emblems that we sell on our site.
If you want better quality, go with the original ones, that don't have black paint and epoxy for the inside black section.
This image is also showing the old 2.0 steering wheel emblem that would not fit properly on the Stinger. We sell the 3.0 version that fits perfectly.
I had red ones like that that faded and lost chips of paint after 1 1/2 yrs. The black and chrome paint they use on these has no protective coating over them, I was hoping there was aftermarket that had similar quality to OEM.
Most likely replicas bought from eBay or Amazon coming out of China.
Here are the authentic S. Korean 3.0 K Emblems that we are the North American Distributor for, you can see from the ridiculously large amount of verified reviews as to what kind of quality they are.
There is a huge difference between the original product, and a cheap replica made and sold at a fraction of the cost.
Kia 3.0 K Logo Emblem Sets - K5 Optima Store
New Kia 3.0 K Logo Emblem Sets "Black Edition - K5 Optima Store
Both the "Chrome Edition" and "Black Edition" emblems are offered in 5 different color options and look and fit great on the Stinger.
Ok but not great. Either way, why not go with something that isn't so "Optima-ish"? There are Stinger-specific emblems either already on the market or coming out soon. You might want to hold off for a little bit before opting for those.
That design is for all Kia vehicles, not Optima models...